(ex?) electronic engineer
likes user interfaces
can and will write Javascript
Adding a project to Kitspace
Make a repo on Github / Gitlab / git.example.com
Add it to the list on github.com/kitspace/kitspace
Adding a project to Kitspace
Make a repo on Github/Gitlab/git.example.com
Learn how to use Git
Make sure Kitspace can find the files, use a kitspace.yaml
Curse at YAML formatting
Export Gerbers?
Choose a color for your preview
Add extensive part information for each bill of material item
should have a distributor SKU
Blindly hope that it will all work
Add it to the list on github.com/kitspace/kitspace
The BOM Builder
Kitspace v2
Kitspace v2
beta 1:
Looks almost exactly the same as v1, nothing has changed!
beta 2:
Improved workflow: interactively add projects without knowing Git/Github
Still mirror external Git repositories (if you know and like Git you can use it)
beta 3:
Integrate BOM Builder
All OSHW Aisler projects get added
Indexed into kitspace.org
leads to: kitspace.ohwr.org? kitspace.kicad.org? kitspace.example.com?
Re-usable sub-circuits for KiCad!
Mostly Python
Created by Elen Eisendle
Contributors: Kaspar, Abdulrahman Ghanem
Sponsored by NLNet!
Help! I have too many projects!
github.com/kitspace/kitspace-v2 | click "Make Contact" on